OHMI is affiliated with:

Apostle Suzette was commissioned by Dr Che Ahn in 20xx. Harvest International Ministry (HIM) is an international apostolic network dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God by equipping leaders, multiplying churches, evangelizing, and bringing revival and reformation to the nations. We believe the world is ripe for harvest, as we witness God moving all around the globe. HIM values Spirit-led relationships, and we are excited to continue furthering the Great Commission together!
Robert Henderson
We are recognizing that it is the job of us individually but also as the corporate people of God (Ecclesia) to grant God as Judge the legal right to fulfill His purpose in the earth. The thing that has hindered the fullest manifestation of the kingdom of God in the earth is the satanic realm still is holding nations under their influence because we as the church have yet to enforce and execute into place the finished works of the cross. This occurs from “The Courts of Heaven”.

Suzette has been appointed the Australia/Oceania Continental Director for GPEC. Global Reformers is the apostolic family or house joined and aligned with Apostle Robert Henderson. The ultimate purpose of this aligning is to “Secure Nation’s Destinies From The Court Of Heaven.” This understanding of the Court System of Heaven is radically shaping the church’s awareness of how the spirit realm works.